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Pachelbel Quatuor

Devis gratuit sur demande

Pour toute demande, veuillez envoyer un courriel à:



En précisant

- la date et l'heure prévues du début de l'événement

- le lieu de votre mariage ( adresse complète avec code postal)

- l'ensemble instrumental que vous préfèreriez

- la durée approximative de la prestation:

(Pour la cérémonie et le vin d'honneur ? Pour la cérémonie seule, (Au château ou à l'église) Le cocktail seul ou pour une musique d'ambiance pour le repas ?) 



Nous pouvons vous fournir un devis à choix multiple pour comparaison afin que vous puissiez décider de ce qui correspond le mieux à vos désirs et à votre budget. 


Free quote on demand 


- The date and time set for your wedding
- The location of your wedding
- All you want
- The estimated duration of the benefit.
(is it a musical performance
for the ceremony and cocktail reception,
only for the ceremony or for dinner?)
I can give you several quotes so you can compare and choose what best fits your needs and your budget.
- The date and time set for your wedding
- The location of your wedding
- All you want
- The estimated duration of the benefit.
(is it a musical performance
for the ceremony and cocktail reception,
only for the ceremony or for dinner?)
I can give you several quotes so you can compare and choose what best fits your needs and your budget.

Any request to be sent  to: 



With the following details

- Date and  starting time of the event

- The precise venue with address  and postcode

- The group you would prefer,

- The estimated length of the performance:

( Ceremony and Cocktail ? Ceremony only (on site or at Church) , for Cocktail only or diner background music?)



We can provide quotes with multiple options , for you to compare and choose from what best fits your needs and your budget.


he date and time set for your wedding
- The location of your wedding
- All you want
- The estimated duration of the benefit.
(is it a musical performance


he date and time set for your wedding
- The location of your wedding
- All you want
- The estimated duration of the benefit.
(is it a musical performance





 The date and time set for your wedding
- The location of your wedding
- All you want
- The estimated duration of the benefit.
(is it a musical performance
for the ceremony and cocktail reception,
only for the ceremony or for dinner?)