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Pachelbel Quatuor

Le son magique du violon !

En Quatuor, en Trio ou en Duo ...


Laissez-vous enchanter par

le son magique du violon,

la sonorité suave et profonde du violoncelle.

Durant votre cérémonie

ces sonorités chaudes et vibrantes traduiront  votre émotion en ce jour unique de votre vie.

Pour votre cocktail

les accents virtuoses et brillants se feront l'écho de toute votre joie.



      Musique de Prestige pour votre Mariage.

We speak English

Your event will blossom with high quality professional string musicians performing music to suit your style.
Select light classical, jazz, pop, rock, or a combination to compliment your style of event. Whether your event is a wedding, engagement, corporate or celebratory event, Strings At Hand will make your event memorable for all the right reasons. Choose a string quartet, trio or duo to suit your budget needs.
Your event will blossom with high quality professional string musicians performing music to suit your style.
Select light classical, jazz, pop, rock, or a combination to compliment your style of event. Whether your event is a wedding, engagement, corporate or celebratory event, Strings At Hand will make your event memorable for all the right reasons. Choose a string quartet, trio or duo to suit your budget needs.
Elegant event and cocktail party music!
 Your event will blossom with high quality professional string musicians performing music to suit your style.

 Select light Classical, Jazz/Pop, Latino/Gypsy, or a combination to compliment your style of event.

Whether your event is a wedding, engagement, corporate or celebratory event, Pachelbel Quartet will make your event memorable for all the right reasons.
Choose a string quartet, trio or duo to suit your budget needs.
Your event will blossom with high quality professional string musicians performing music to suit your style.
Select light classical, jazz, pop, rock, or a combination to compliment your style of event. Whether your event is a wedding, engagement, corporate or celebratory event, Strings At Hand will make your event memorable for all the right reasons. Choose a string quartet, trio or duo to suit your budget needs.
Your event will blossom with high quality professional string musicians performing music to suit your style.
Select light classical, jazz, pop, rock, or a combination to compliment your style of event. Whether your event is a wedding, engagement, corporate or celebratory event, Strings At Hand will make your event memorable for all the right reasons. Choose a string quartet, trio or duo to suit your budget needs.

                                    SIRET N°: 803 292 788 000 12